core CORE =Congress of Racial Equality 〔美国〕争取种族平等大会。 n. 1.果心。 2.(事物、问题等的)中心,核心;精髓。 3.(地球的)地核;【地质学;地理学】岩心;【铸】型心;【建筑】衬心;【电学】(线)心,心线;(计算机的)磁心;(原子反应堆的)堆芯,活性区;(燃料元件)芯体。 4.(羊内脏中的)种瘤。 5.〔美国〕(各专业学生共修的)基础课。 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食。 to the core 到心,彻底(rotten to the core 透心腐烂;坏入骨髓,糟糕透顶。 English to the core道地的英国人)。 vt. 挖去…的果心。
A study of cultivating the core ability of enterprise 如何培育企业核心能力
On the cultivation of the core ability of academic libraries 论高校图书馆核心能力的培养
Inner fire is another core ability we ' re reworking 心灵之火是另一个我们着重考虑修改的技能。
Latitude analysis of the core ability based on invisible knowledge 基于隐性知识的核心能力的维度分析
Talking about the characteristics of the core ability of enterprise 企业核心能力的特征及管理问题的探讨
On the business enterprise finance core ability and the path for strengthening 企业财务管理目标的重新审视
The leader ' s core ability 领导者的核心能力
It is significantly to search after the affect features of the interior factors of core ability 因此,探索核心能力的内在要素和作用特征,对指导企业实践意义深远。
In order to make alive and achieve wider space for development , they must cultivate core ability of competition 要确保生存并赢得更大的发展空间,培育核心竞争力成为关键。
If an enterprise neglects the core abilities and market risk , the strategy will end up with failure 其实多元化战略对于某些公司并不适用,如果忽视了公司的核心能力与市场风险,公司的多元化战略将会以失败告终。